Attention: Anyone Teaching Classroom Music Lessons
Here’s a Quick Way to a Fun and Exciting Music Curriculum For Your Students … Guaranteed.
Do you want a music curriculum to keep your music class on track with simple, effective and fun lessons? You know, the kind of lessons where students are actively engaged in music making, but not out of control!
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Click the sound icon below to unmute and make sure your sound is turned on!
A personal story from Janice Tuck, creative director of the Fun Music Company …
Dear music teaching friend,
I’m just a music teacher like you! I’ve been through highs and lows in my career. I’ve taught in every type of school from special needs schools, private and public schools. I’ve taught private instrumental, classroom and made a business teaching preschool classes. In music teaching I’ve been there and done it all!
I graduated from teachers college in 1992. Many of my colleagues received jobs in nice city schools. I went to a rough town in the South Australian outback. I arrived there with nothing. I had no resources except what I’d personally put together. I soon discovered that the staff and the admin of the school weren’t going to help.
The only way I had to get through was to work hard. Really hard! I worked incredibly long days planning. Within two years of this routine I was totally burned out!
I knew there had to be a better way. I knew that what made a difference was not lesson plans or the worksheets. When I had the lesson plans handled, I could focus on the children! I really wanted to make a difference for these children. I could see the potential if I could just spend time focusing on them. My issue was that I was stuck working hard to just create resources.
That’s when I had the vision of the Fun Music Company. Way back then! 30 years ago! I hadn’t even heard of the internet at that time. However, I saw the vision back then of a place full of teaching resources! Something so complete that it would have everything required for teaching. That way, I could focus on the students!
It took me a great many years of teaching in all different situations. I taught preschool, primary and high school. I realised that the creation of a complete resource isn’t as easy as it seems! I did hold that passion in my mind from that very first day teaching!
I’ve made it my mission to understand music curriculum. I want to get this handled for teachers! That way, they can focus on the students and have the life they deserve.
Then the breakthrough moment came. We looked at every music curriculum in the world we could find. We found that there are four broad terms, or categories of activity in music. These represent the essence of every statement in the curriculum.
That became our four UNIT system. It is taking everything in the curriculum and bringing it down to simple steps. Steps that are clear and easy to understand for teachers and students.
Introducing … The Fun Music Company Music Curriculum
This is a complete elementary music curriculum program for general music classes.
It is designed to meet curriculum requirements. At the same time it makes lessons engaging and fun for children!
It does this by structuring activities around the four key areas. These are commonly found in every music curriculum in the world. AURAL, SING & PLAY, COMPOSE and CONNECT.
In this program you will have everything you need. It is a fun, engaging and exciting elementary music curriculum!
It is a structured program with progression through the grades. It is also flexible and adaptable for mixed grade classes.
Based around the curriculum
Designed to make covering your curriculum easy for you and fun for your students.
Curriculum based approach.
Structured to make covering your music curriculum easy for you and fun for your students.
Step-by-step Lessons
Step-by-step videos. If you aren’t used to teaching a music curriculum activity just play the tutorial and follow the instructions.
Step-by-step Lessons
Includes step-by-step videos. Just play the video and follow the instructions!
Based on time-tested pedagogies
We have consulted with experts in music teaching. We incorporate Kodaly and Orff ideas in our program.
Based on time-tested pedagogy
We have consulted with leaders in music education. We incorporate Orff and Kodaly methods in our program.
Easy to use technology
Easy to use with no software to install. All you need is a classroom screen connected to a computer.
Easy to use technology.
Easy to use with no software to install. All you need is a video screen and a computer with internet access.
The four-unit system of the Fun Music Company Music Curriculum
Each grade level contains a carefully programmed set of aural lessons. This is your key to teaching the elements of music to your students. This is taught in a hands-on way, requiring little preparation time.
The students learn about elements of music such as rhythm, dynamics, tempo and timbre. They will have fun and learn through exposure.
In this program, students view aural as a game! It’s a fun activity to get students into music in a very simple way.
Teachers who are feeling uneasy about presenting this material can use the pre-recorded tracks. Experienced teachers can extend the activity by using their own clapping and singing patterns.
Each grade level includes a complete SING & PLAY unit. This includes folk song arrangements which have been selected and arranged by teachers. These songs are an excellent solution to classes with different abilities. They cater for all levels within the one piece.
There are videos showing each step of the process. Singing, playing and then playing as a classroom ensemble.
Sheet music is not required. Everything is displayed on the classroom whiteboard!
The singing videos include light-up lyrics! The sheet music is always displayed along the bottom of the screen.
This program includes a complete composition unit. This is your solution to meeting the composition requirements of your curriculum. Students will have great fun while they create their own music.
Students will create their own material in an age-appropriate way. Students start with simple graphic notation scores and group activities in the younger grades. They then progress through structured improvisation and composition frameworks.
In the older grades students will begin using technology. Students can use whatever devices are available to them to create their own music.
CONNECT is a full listening program. This is your solution to getting students to listen to a variety of musical styles. This means you can expand their awareness and develop knowledgeable musicians.
Students will watch a short YouTube video. Then they participate in a range of response activities.
They will start with a few factual fill-in-the-blanks questions. There are also classroom discussion questions to prompt a deeper level of knowledge.
The Fun Music Company Curriculum has been designed to meet your curriculum requirements. It also provides a fun, engaging experience for your students.
Every part of the program was written to meet the curriculum requirements. It meets the needs of the Australian Curriculum and its state-based equivalents.
The Australian curriculum has four content statements. The four UNITS of the Fun Music Company curriculum are designed to match them perfectly. They are AURAL, SING & PLAY, COMPOSE and CONNECT.
We have also referenced the various state-based curricula. We have covered:
- NSW creative arts syllabus.
- The WA Curriculum.
- The Queensland Curriculum.
- Victorian Curriculum.
We have also included assessment templates and rubrics for every unit at every grade. This means you can show clear progress in each area of the curriculum.
Does it match your curriculum?
Download a matching document here:
The Fun Music Company Curriculum has been designed to meet your curriculum requirements. It also provides a fun, engaging experience for your students.
Every part of the Fun Music Company curriculum was written around the requirements of the US Common Core arts standard. If you choose this program you are truly meeting and exceeding the standards found in the Common Core.
There are four categories in the Common Core, and eleven anchor standards in those categories. The categories are Creating, which is fully covered in our COMPOSE unit. Performing/Presenting/Producing, which is covered in our SING & PLAY Unit. Responding and Connecting are both covered in our CONNECT unit.
We have drilled down in detail through the eleven anchor standards. We have developed descriptions for each grade to make sure that everything is covered.
If your state has not adopted the common core, or you use another state-based curriculum document you can still be confident that the Fun Music Company curriculum will cover what you need. We have analyzed curriculum documents from all around the world, and our materials cover 99% of the requirements we have seen.
Please download the following curriculum matching document:
The Fun Music Company Curriculum has been designed to meet your curriculum requirements and provide a fun, engaging experience for your students at the same time.
When writing the Fun Music Company Curriculum we have consulted the National Curriculum of England and Wales, along with the Australian Curriculum and US common core, so we are confident that it covers everything you will ever require to teach.
The National Curriculum of England and Wales contains four requirements for Key stage one, and six for key stage two. These are all completely covered in our curriculum program.
Please download the following document to see how the Fun Music Company curriculum meets the requirements of the National Curriculum for England and Wales at each grade level:
The Fun Music Company Curriculum has been designed to meet your curriculum requirements and provide a fun, engaging experience for your students at the same time.
This curriculum program has been designed around the requirements of a number of curricula around the world. We originally wrote the content to meet the needs of the National Curriculum of Australia, the National Curriculum of England and Wales, and the Common Core Arts Curriculum of the USA.
We have found that the requirements in Canada are quite similar to the USA, so we are confident that you’ll find that the materials in the Fun Music Company will be very suited to your needs.
We have created a curriculum matching document for the state of Ontario, which you can download below. If you have a specific curriculum you are working with for another Canadian state please contact us and we will provide you with a matching document showing how our materials meet your requirements.
The Fun Music Company Curriculum has been designed to meet your curriculum requirements and provide a fun, engaging experience for your students at the same time.
This curriculum program has been designed around the requirements of a number of curricula around the world. We originally wrote the content to meet the needs of the National Curriculum of Australia, the National Curriculum of England and Wales, and the Common Core Arts Curriculum of the USA.
We have found that the requirements of the National Curriculum of New Zealand are quite similar to Australian requirements, so we are confident that you’ll find that the materials in the Fun Music Company Curriculum will be very suited to your needs.
Please download the following document to see how the Fun Music Company curriculum meets the requirements of the National Curriculum for New Zealand at each grade level:
The Fun Music Company Curriculum has been designed to meet your curriculum requirements and provide a fun, engaging experience for your students at the same time.
This curriculum program has been designed around the requirements of a number of curricula around the world. We originally wrote the content to meet the needs of the National Curriculum of Australia, the National Curriculum of England and Wales, and the Common Core Arts Curriculum of the USA.
Because of this, you can be confident that no matter what country in the world you are teaching in, that the materials will be relevant and be able to be used with your curriculum.
If you have a specific curriculum you are working with please contact us and we will provide you with a matching document showing how our materials meet your requirements.
Includes step-by-step videos for you to play in the classroom. Even if you aren’t experienced in teaching an activity all you need to do is play the video and follow the instructions.
In the SING & PLAY section our Singing introduction video provides the background to the song, teaches the action and any Kodaly inspired pitch and rhythm concepts.
Our singing performance video then provides the sheet music and words in a format that you can press play and go! You never need to worry about forgetting the words again!
Then our Untuned percussion introduction video teaches every percussion part by itself, and students will use body percussion to silently become familiar with the rhythms before trying them on the instruments with the Untuned percussion performance video.
Then students can learn each tuned percussion part with our Tuned percussion introduction videos to each song, where they will see each part being played on the screen, and be introduced to music notation through exposure, and then they can perform them together on the tuned percussion performance and complete ensemble videos.
In the COMPOSE section of the curriculum a step-by-step video precedes each and every activity, which means that you can virtually teach this part of the curriculum with no additional lesson preparation at all – watching the video and then guiding the students through the activity on the following screens.
We have consulted with experts in leading music education pedagogies like Orff and Kodaly and incorporated the best from these systems in the lessons, so whether or not you’re familiar with those methods you can incorporate the best ideas.
Kodaly inspired folk songs
We have researched and utilised some of the most well-known and educationally based folk songs from the repertoire.
In our singing introduction video, we help with some of the more difficult teaching concepts for you, so even if you’re not experienced teaching music you’ll be able to give your students the gift of these amazing music education experiences.
If you are an experienced Kodaly inspired teacher, you can be confident that the song repertoire will support you, and this provides a framework for you to build on with all the educational concepts covered.
Orff arrangements ready to go!
We have consulted with experts in the Orff Schulwerk and developed arrangements with a variety of drone and ostinato parts.
With tuned and untuned percussion we demonstrate each and every part, and students learn through the experience of being involved kinaesthetically with body percussion and action before getting onto the instruments.
These arrangements are a springboard for you to extend and adapt to your classroom and provide lots of opportunities for yourself and your students to unleash your creativity.
We provide an easy to use web-based interface with no software to install. All you need is a projector or video screen attached to a computer with internet access.
All you need to do is login to our members area, click on the grade level you wish to teach, and away you go!
Want to know more about the content of each grade, and how students progress through the program?
Please click the pictures for more information on the content of each grade.
Here’s what you’re going to get with the Fun Music Company Curriculum System
Unlimited Access to the Online Music Curriculum ($1043 Value)
$149 per grade if purchased individually.
One school purchase entitles as many staff as necessary to access the program within within the one location.
PDF lesson plan guides for each grade ($350 Value)
$50 per grade if purchased individually.
Our PDF lesson plan guides are downloadable, printable and sharable with as many staff as necessary. These guides are the key to easy lesson preparation. Teachers simply flip through the guide for the lesson, and will instantly know the steps and outcomes of the lesson.
Assessments and rubrics for each grade.
Assessments are built in for each area of the curriculum. This helps teachers meet reporting requirements in an easy and effective way. Then they can spend more time teaching and communicating with students, and less time marking and writing reports.
How about Ukulele? Is that included?
We know that some schools have ukuleles, and some schools don’t! Also some teachers like to do it in Grade 5 or 6, and some prefer using it with earlier grades. For this reason we have kept the core curriculum to percussion, and incorporated our comprehensive ukulele curriculum as a bonus.
Super Curriculum Bonus #1
Normally $199 on its own!
The Ukulele Curriculum System
Complete program with classroom presentations and lesson plans
This is an entire program for teaching ukulele in the classroom to cover the first full year of instruction (40 lessons). Includes animated video play-along-tracks and step-by-step lesson plans.
This program usually costs $199 / year on its own. For the first time this program is INCLUDED with any curriculum purchase!
What if I don’t have any instruments?
If you don’t have much in the way of instruments … why not use some buckets?
Super Curriculum Bonus #2
Bucket Drumming Program
Bucket Drumming Program
This is an entire program for teaching bucket drumming in the classroom.
It is part of the core of v2.0 of the grade 5 and grade 6 curriculum, however we have also made it available on its own so that teachers can use it with any grade, and at any time they wish.
Animated content makes it easy!
This product features animations that show the students exactly when to play. Plus it has real music notation to help students with their musicianship.
What about the little people?
Often music teachers are called upon to teach a preschool program, either in the school or around the community. As well as this, we know that sometimes kindergarten classes need more materials to keep them busy and on track. For these reasons we include a complete Pre-K lesson plan curriculum with this program.
Super Curriculum Bonus #3
Sold on its own for $199
Preschool Music Program
Complete program with classroom presentations and lesson plans.
Do you also need to teach a pre-K class? If so you’ll find this program invaluable, with 20 step-by-step lesson plans and 60 songs with backing tracks which guide you through teaching the youngest preschool class. All you need is a music player and your pre-K class will be singing, dancing, playing instruments and learning through exposure as they have wonderful first experiences with music. You’ll be able to add this class to your schedule without any additional stress while you enjoy more preparation time for your other classes.
You want me to teach … MUSIC COMPOSITION ?
Every curriculum document in the world has music composition front and center. This encourages children to not only sing and play other people’s music, but to create their own. We understand that this can be daunting for teachers – no matter how much experience they have teaching music! For this reason we have included a special training program.
Super Curriculum Bonus #4
Value of $199
Composition Workshop Training
This seven part online workshop (14+ hours of training) walks teachers through the composition element of the curriculum, which can be one of the most challenging topics to teach. Every lesson is worked through and deconstructed for all grades from Kindergarten through to Grade 6.
Any Questions?
Please check our frequently asked questions … or contact us if you have a specific question
Our Curriculum Guarantee
We ensure that you get what you need for your teaching.
As a member of our curriculum program, you have our personal support to guarantee that what we have provided for you meets your curriculum needs.
If the program does not meet a curriculum need that you have, we will either supply you with another product from our catalog free of charge, or work with you to revise what we have to fit your curriculum need.